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Leadership & Management

Christy Van Der Westhuizen - Recognizing and Appreciating Every Win Leads to Better Results

Christy Van Der Westhuizen - Christy's Success Secret: Surround Yourself with Inspiration & Never Stop Learning

Matt Reiners - Focus on Bottom-up Buy-in to Implement Change

Bri Stewart - Change Management is the Key to Implementing New Technology

Bri Stewart - New Tech Allows Sellers to Focus on Selling

Paige Hoffman - Use Stories to Show Investors the Value of New Decisions

Dan Hutson - Senior Living Needs Better -and Braver- Storytellers

Dani Merlino - The Secret to Maintaining Your Passion for Working in Senior Living

Joanna LaFleur - Avoid Shift Wars By Encouraging Cross Shift Communication

Rachael Wonderlin - Sales and Marketing Needs Dementia Training Too

Kasey Devine - Focus on Incremental Changes to Improve the Workplace

Bri Stewart - Change Management is the Key to Implementing New Technology

Sales Strategies

Nick Jasmon - Embrace Relationship-Driven Sales

Nick Jasmon - You Control Two Things in Sales, Your Attitude and Effort

Nick Jasmon - Lead Prioritization & Guiding Prospects to Move-in

Bri Stewart - Time for Senior Living Sellers to Embrace Their Sales Titles

Mark Ingram - The Lifeblood of Senior Living Sales: Master Your CRM System

Emily Tucker - The Prospect's Emotions Need to be the Focus of the Sales Process

Emily Tucker - Educated Consumers Will See Right Through the Sales Fluff

Hoyle Koontz - Combat the Forgetting Curve With Prospect Centered Selling

Nate O'Keefe - Build an Authentic Relationship Early in the Sales Process

Kelly Singleton Myers -Encourage Adult Children to Include Parents Early in the Process

Christie Freeze - Cranking Out Videos: Tips and Time Hacks from a Pro

Christy Van Der Westhuizen - Tips for Writing an Effective Sales Playbook

Kelly Singleton Myers - Encourage Adult Children to Include Parents Early in the Process

Emily Tucker - Educated Consumers Will See Right Through the Sales Fluff

Hoyle Koontz - Combat the Forgetting Curve With Prospect Centered Selling

Marketing Strategies

Emily Tucker - Senior Living Communities are Filled With Stories that Need to be Told

James Lee - The High-Value Alternative to Senior Living Conferences

Bailey Beeken - SMASH 2024: The Number One Sales & Marketing Event of the Year

Christie Freeze - Getting More Video Interaction Starts with Your Subject Line

Aaron Fish - Build Food Service Into Your Marketing Strategy to Elevate Your Brand

Evan Friedkin - Senior Living Marketing Needs to Invest in the Consumer Experience

Evan Friedkin - Success of Know Your Audience Challenge

Mark Ingram - Don't Overlook Direct Mail in Senior Living Marketing

Bailey Beeken - Building Authentic Relationships Through Live Events

Bailey Beeken - Consider How Vertical Events Fit Your Marketing Mix and Objectives

Samantha Prinster - Integrating Digital and Direct Mail Marketing

Evan Friedkin - Senior Living Marketing Needs to Invest in Consumer Experience

Innovation & Trends

Geoff Duncan - The Data Entry Challenge in Senior Living

Brooke Saxon-Spencer - Eliminate the Paper Brochure for a More Personalized Approach

Hoyle Koontz - Paradox of Choice, Psychological Barriers

Melissa Dillon - The Unrealized Benefits of Joining a Club

Jack Cumming - The Unintended Message of Commiserating About Aging

Geoff Duncan - Video Storytelling in Marketing

Brooke Saxon-Spencer - Why We Cut 3rd Party Lead Aggregators and Have No Regrets

Matt Reiners - Matt's Journey to Senior Living: Silent Discos to Eversound

Tripp Higgins - The Magical Power of Community

Dan Hutson - Differentiate Your Community by Focusing Tightly On Your Target Prospect

Matt Reiners - How Silent Discos Inspired Better Hearing in Senior Living

Brooke Saxon-Spencer - Why We Cut 3rd Party Lead Aggregators and Have No Regrets

Technology in Senior Living

Paige Hoffman - Senior Living Needs to Get Better at Launching Initiatives

Rachel Keller - AI's Role in Monitoring Call Center Quality

Rachel Keller - Utilize Call Centers to Optimize Speed to Lead

Rachel Keller - Learn from Female Leaders on Rachel's Female Friday Podcast

Jack Cumming - Technology Has Allowed Seniors to Live at Home Longer

Geoff Duncan - AI Tech in the Resident Experience

Nate O'Keefe - Tech Companies' Imperative to Provide Value Beyond the Tech

Nate O'Keefe - Data Gives Prospects Confidence, Calms the Chaotic Mind

Nate O'Keefe - The Right Data Enables Sales Teams to See Prospects as People

Nate O'Keefe - Data From Active Researchers Provides a Roadmap for Change

Evan Friedkin - Two Roadblocks that Curb New Tech Adoption

Evan Friedkin - Evaluate Your Goals Before Diving Into AI

Evan Friedkin - Chat on Your Senior Living Site is Now Table Stakes

Evan Friedkin - Collect Consumer Data to Enable Predictive Analytics

Kelly Singleton Myers - Embracing Technology Can Reduce Administrative Burdens

Kasey Devine - Technology Should Be Focused on the Priority of Providing Care

Geoff Duncan - AI Tech in the Resident Experience

Rachel Keller - Utilize Call Centers to Optimize Speed to Lead

Nate O'Keefe - Data Gives Prospects Confidence, Calms the Chaotic Mind

Wellness & Care

Charles de Vilmorin - Dementia Inclusion is Big Opportunity for Senior Living

Charles de Vilmorin - Reversing Aging is the Wrong Mindset

Joanna LaFleur - Dementia Training Needs to Include the "Why"

Joanna LaFleur - Growing Attached to Residents is Natural: Supporting Caregivers Needs to be Too

Aaron Fish - Young Prospective Employees find Purpose in Senior Living Food Service

Ben Broadhead - It's Never too Later for Seniors to Start Exercising

Carrie Aalberts - Who is Dementia Darling?

Carrie Aalberts - People with Dementia Can Still Experience Joy

Carrrie Aalberts - Mental Health Needs More Attention in Senior Living

Ben Broadhead - Good Exercise Routines are Built Around Safety, Effectiveness, and Fun

Joanna LeFleur - Growing Attached to Residents is Natural: Supporting Caregivers Needs to be Too

Carrie Aalberts - Who is Dementia Darling

Community & Resident Engagement

Erin Thompson - The Programs are the Personality of the Community

Erin Thompson - Avoid Feature Dumping, Practice Storytelling

Erin Thompson - Learn to Manage the Fear, Anxiety, and Guilt Families May Feel

Jack Cumming - Jack's 3 Best Tips for Consumers Entering Senior Living

Jack Cumming - Residents Deserve Transparency Around Entrance Fees

Jodie Roberts - The Biggest Competitor to Senior Living is Home

Jodie Roberts - The Problem With Having Too Many Leads

Jodie Roberts - Use a Roobrik Survey to Align Family Members

Kelly Singleton Myers - In-depth Discovery Helps Differentiate Communities with Each Prospect

Tripp Higgins - Simplifying Affordability Options to Put Prospects At Ease

Charles de Vilmorin - How to Showcase Your Resident Experience

Melissa Dillon - Leaders of Memory Care are Mini Executive Directors

Dani Merlino - Senior Living 101 is Needed for Teaching Experiential Basics

Dan Hutson - Senior Living Needs to Start Focusing More on the Experience

Carrie Aalberts - Working Together With Family Caregivers After the Move-In

Erin Thompson - Avoid Feature Dumping, Practice Storytelling

Jodie Roberts - The Problem With Having Too Many Leads

Melissa Dillon - Leaders of Memory Care are Mini Executive Directors

Dan Hutson - Senior Living Needs to Start Focusing More on the Experience


Dani Merlino - Senior Living 101 is Needed for Teaching Experiential Basics

Financial Insights

James Lee - There is a Problem With How Senior Living is Funded

James Lee - Senior Living Doesn't Need to Be Big to Be Successful

James Lee - Senior Living Doesn't Need to Be Big to Be Successful

Nick Jasmon - Stronger Discovery to Tackle Senior Living's Affordability Problem

Jodie Roberts - Do Not Hide Financial Information and Resources

Tripp Higgins - Moving Beyond Buyer Perceptions Around Affordability

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